Monday, July 27, 2009

Jennifer Garner - Rennie's Landing (aka Stealing Time)

Jennifer Garner celeb data baseJennifer Garner predict a gown red carpet specials peopleJennifer Garner appeared in Rennie's Landing (aka Stealing Time) as Kiley Bradshaw. Stealing Time is a 2001 comedy/drama involving the uniting of four friends reuniting a year after college, each of them now dealing with their own problems. They ultimately come up with a solution: rob a bank.

More movies like this should be released in theaters., 9/10
Author: ombudsgirl from New York

I know, it's not rare to see really small Rennie's Landing movies with developed, interesting characters and a great storyline in theaters, but I wish some of them didn't slip through the Hollywood cracks so easily. This (Rennie's Landing) movie is so great, and I can't even pick a specific reason why. While not Oscar-worthy, I just liked all of it: the characters, the performances, the photography, the editing, the story, everything. Not to mention that it's thought-provoking, which is more than I can say for the majority of (Rennie's Landing) movies with wide releases. (Rennie's Landing) Movies like this are perfect examples for why independent movies need to paid more respect than they are.

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