Monday, August 24, 2009

13 Going on 30

Jennifer Garner 13 Going on 30
"Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30" as Jenna Rink

13 Going On 30 (known as Suddenly 30 in Australia) is a 2004 romantic comedy film starring Jennifer Garner. 13 Going On 30 has a similar premise to the films Wish Upon a Star, and Freaky Friday, in which girls' souls were swapped into different bodies, as well as the classic short story, Rip Van Winkle, in which a young person falls asleep and wakes up many years later as an older person. Unlike the movies Big, Vice Versa, and 14 Going on 30, in which boys were physically transformed into adult men, in 13 Going On 30 movie a 13-year-old girl appears to skip 17 years of her life, and wakes up as a successful magazine editor in the future. 13 Going On 30 was produced by Revolution Studios for Columbia Pictures.

Author: mercywriter from United States

In a time when most movies turn out to be a waste of my time, what a pleasant surprise to find this gem. On the surface, it might look like just another romantic comedy. But there was a depth to this movie that surprised and captivated me. A lot of good messages for young girls, 13, 30, and any age before or after. And what an interesting commentary on society. Through the eyes of an innocent 13 year old, who just happens to have the body of an adult, we see just how shallow, false, and empty modern society can be.

Jennifer Garner is adorable. She exudes a fresh innocence that makes it very believable she is a 13 year old in a 30 year old body. And Mark Ruffalo! He was a surprisingly wonderful hero. I have since seen him in other movies, but this was the first time.

A definite keeper, and one my whole family enjoys watching, over and over again.

source: wikipedia imdb

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