Monday, February 2, 2009

Jennifer Garner - Seraphina and Shiloh name

Jennifer GarnerWhat do you think of the name Shiloh and Seraphina?

Seraphina was one of my favorite names, and it's what Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck chosen for their new daughter. I would nickname her Sera or Fina probably.

With Seraphina, it is a very beautiful name but its not exactly a common name so if you choose Seraphina people will probably think you are getting it from Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck. Shiloh however is a more common name, obviously not a lot of people have it but some do so that would be something you could get away with a lot easier.

The Common name is Stephanie, and Seraphina maybe is Hebrew name :)

I love Shiloh, and I think even another year will be enough for it to be seen as a unique name, I really like it.

If you don't care for the celebrity part, but Seraphina is a very beautiful name! Reminds me of a percious jem or a royal blue colour.

Seraphina is a pretty name and so is Shiloh. By the time you have a baby the hype over their children and their names will be over.

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