Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ambassador for Save the Children's U.S.

Jennifer Garner - Artist Ambassador for Save the Children's U.S.

Jennifer Garner
Save the Children Ambassador Jennifer Garner
teams up with New York City kids to package food for children in need.

Jennifer Garner is an Artist Ambassador for Save the Children's U.S. Programs. (Oct. 8)


More detail as below AssociatedPress video

Where are the BigBanks, the BigInsurers, the BigBusinesses, all the BigCriminals who have stolen Trillions from the American Bottom Class & sit clutching their ill gotten gains while the Bottom Class goes without? Where are the Bush&Dick Republican TeaBagging Bonerheads who've assisted the BigBanks/Insurers/Businesses/e­tc in their criminal activities to screw the Bottom Class Americans? Food packages for children in need is the best that can be done cause that's all the BigCriminals allow.